Zheng Yiqiang pays attention to neither the doctrine, style, form and techniques nor the decorative patterns and concrete characters, but juxtaposing and integrating various visual elements to establish a new order for the artworks.
Gu Zheng Qing
Zheng Yiqiang’s artworks seem closely connected with the modern life, since the fashion girls in the paintings are living their beautiful life in the part of “beautiful world”, yet they are spied on by another part full of danger, fear, turmoil, uneasiness, wretches and struggle.
Zhao Li
Liu Ting takes the portrait paintings as her experiment spot to practice her art language and the expression. If ever she gets the complement of her techniques of realism and modern art language, she will be at ease in free expression of art, showing forth a rare talent in art.
Gu Zheng Qing
Liu Ting has already considered the portraits as some pure and simple exterior appearance, yet with which presenting the complex sentiment, instant emotions and the nature of personality. With her artworks, Liu Ting expects for tranquil attention and every moving from the deep heart of the audience.
Zhao Li